Agriculture land for sale in Monagroulli, Limassol

  • Monagroulli, Limassol
  • Ref: 27682
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Property details

  • Property type: Field
  • Plot area: 4,348 m²
  • Title deed: Yes

Planning zones

Zone Cover factor Build factor Max height Max floors Affected percentage
δ1 - 50% - - -

Property description

Livestock land for sale in Monagroulli village in Limassol District. It is in a quiet area approximately 2.3 km north from the community’s center and 2.5 km north from Limassol – Nicosia highway.

It has an irregular shape with an uneven surface. The property is landlocked and is approximately 400m west from the nearest registered road.

It abuts state land along its western border.

The property falls within the Livestock Zone Δ1, having a building density of 50%.

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